Thursday, July 30, 2015

Hotel Boscobel 1980 something

"Boscobel, Wi Main Street"
View from Hotel Boscobel
Acrylic and paste on paper
18" x 15"

This painting is a blast from the past.  It came to mind recently when I spoke with the current proprietor of the Central House, an establishment located on the street level of the former Hotel Boscobel.  The proprietor is a descendant of a prior owner, perhaps the original builder of the hotel.  While growing up in the town, I believe people still rented monthly rooms on the upper levels of the hotel.  We stayed for the night in a room over the bar, so we could hear the juke box play into the night.  On another occasion my dad played on a pinball machine in the bar.. The only time I ever saw him do that.  Unortunately, sometime in the 1980's all the antique hotel furnishings  were removed by the owners at the time.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Plein air of Wisconsin river

Boscobel, wi. boat landing on Wisconsin river. I caught Dallas, Austin resident, Tennessee native, bringing his kayak out of the current into the protected area. He took the painting home as a memento of his four day stay on the river.

Another river view.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

pop goes flat at lacrosse

Potter's Lunch
oil on board. 16" x 20"
displayed this at AAUW art fair on the green in lacrosse wi july 25, 26.  Sold no paintings - or sculpture - there.

Friday, July 3, 2015

working on the fourth

happy birthday america.  another work day at the cherry street farmer's market.  Orders to fill for "poe the coffee mugs" - a surprise hit this summer.  also, the holiday special - once fired earthenware mugs featuring okie designs to celebrate the fourth of july.  lots of mugs. lots of paintings. and a new tent.  time to retire old dependable.  parts wearing out. no replacement parts available.  yellowed canopy.  a real warrior. a tent that outlasted two replacements ruined by wind and rain.

here is an early version of ridge field, chalk on paper, 33" across.